Love it or hate it, pork is blessed by God and it is a delicacy for many around the world. For one of our disciples in the Sissala land, who loves himself some pork, this understanding made his family unhappy because of their religious background.
However, being a gifted farmer and coming to understand that every creation of God is good, and nothing that is received with thanksgiving should be rejected, because it is sanctified by the word of God and prayer, he went on to raise a piggery to support and provide for his own family. And now the business is booming. He started with two pigs and now, he has 20! Praise God!
It is a joy to know that the gospel does not only bring salvation to the soul but also empowerment through the understanding of God's word.

But here is the catch for us: the power of two (2) pigs multiplying to twenty (20) is what we want to see happening for believers living among the unreached people groups in Ghana; that such testimonies would rise among them,
that the statistics of less than 2% will become 20% and more and more. Hallelujah!
"Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men"◄Colossians 3:23►
We have many stories like this, some that we can't share. Pray for all who are persecuted in communities because they have converted and want to live for Christ, that they will stand strong! In many cases, their livelihoods are targeted, or worse case ostracized from the community.