There are difficult terrains we need to ride to. However, some of our missionaries lack the means. With very little resources they are ready to get there AT ALL COST!

Pioneers Ghana is affiliated with the global Pioneers movement, which has over 3000 members worldwide.
Our mission is to reach the unreached in Africa and beyond and equip gospel-driven Christians in relentless pursuit of the Unreached. Discipleship lies at the core of our ministry, and our goal is to see Discipleship and church-planting movements across Africa. Based in Accra, Ghana, our ministry is focused on unreached locations in Ghana. We are determined to share the gospel and see people accept Christ as their Lord and Saviour.
Pioneers-Ghana also uses creative tools in education, medicine, agriculture, arts, and business to glorify God.
Pioneers-Ghana is also passionate about TeachÂers in Missions and launched the initiative five (5) years ago. Today, 90% of all Pioneers-Ghana workers are teachers serving in very remote regions.

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